Our retired fur kids and those that have crossed the bridge!
(CH. Windogo's Wild Wild West x CH. Merribrooks Put'in On The Ritz)
DIAMOND took the 1998 National Specialty by storm, winning the 2-4 month class at the National Specialty Puppy Sweepstake and then going on to win the 2-4 month Black Tri Bitch class at the National Specialty. She had numerous BOBP and BOSP wins. Diamond came back out to show in Veterans at the 2009 National Specialty and pre-shows. She had a blast prancing her stuff there. She won the 10+ class at the So. Colo. Pre-show. We lost Diamond in November 2013. She was 15 years 4 1/2 months old. We miss her begging for her cookies. She was my heart dog and will be missed!