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NEWS FLASH! DRIFTCREEK OFF DUTY @ LANDSLIDE wins a Premier at the 2019 preshow in Bakersfield! NEWS FLASH! DRIFTCREEK OFF DUTY @ LANDSLIDE finishes his ASCA Championship! NEWS FLASH! MERRIBROOKS SHINE ON OAKWIND finishes his ASCA Championship and his Rally Novice title! NEWS FLASH! DRIFTCREEK I'M IN COMMAND finished his ASCA Championship and made the first cut as a special at the 2018 preshow in Colorado! NEWS Flash! CH. MERRIBROOKS DREAMWORLD at RENA completed her CD! NEWS FLASH! Ashley finished the 2014-2015 Conformation Merit as number 30 intact in the nation! Not bad for an 11 year old who was only campaigned at a few shows in the local area!

NEWS FLASH! Katie finished the 2013-2014 Conformation Merit as number10 intact in the nation!

NEWS FLASH! Striker finished the 2013-2014 Conformation Merit as number 2 altered in the nation!

NEWS FLASH! Striker wins BOB Altered at the So. Colorado ASC pre-show 9/22/13.!

NEWS FLASH! Striker takes a Premier Altered CH. at the 2013 National Specialty!

NEWS FLASH! Striker qualified for the Altered Finals with only 3 months of campaigning!

NEWS FLASH! Ashley wins BOB Veteran at the ASC of Utah Pre-Show 9/21/13!

NEWS FLASH Kate takes a Premier CH. at the So. Colorado pre-show 9/22/13

NEWS FLASH! Kate makes the final cut of CH. Bitches at the High Plains pre-show!

NEWS FLASH! Kate is #3 on the merit list 9/20/13!

NEWS FLASH! Dee finishes her ASCA Championship in style. she did it in 4 months start to finish!

NEWS FLASH! Qwinn finishes her ASCA Championship! Way to go Princess!

NEWS FLASH! Katie wins the 9-12 bitch class at the Delta and PASA Pre-shows and then wins the 9-12 bitch class at the 2012 Nationals. Way to go Katie!Thank you to Jill Ward, Sheila Polk and Gail Karamelagos for these fantastic class wins!

NEWS FLASH! Katie finishes her ASCA Championship in style just before her first birthday! Katie also is pointed in AKC out of the 6-9 month class!

NEWS FLASH! Ashley wins Best Opposite Veteran at the ASCA NATIOANALS in Bakersfield Ashley enjoyed showing very much and it showed that day! And she was 30 days pregnant with her last litter!

NEWS FLASH! Drift Creek Quarter Cup of Cool is now a WTCH! Thank you Tammy Nagley for loving and training this outstanding young male.

NEWS FLASH! Stiker (an Ashley x Chaz son) finsihed his ASCA Championship in style by taking WD/BOW for a 5 point major March 19th, 2011. He is also pointed in AKC. CH. Drift Creek Sgt. Striker CGC! Thank you Nina Scott for all your expert handling!

NEWS FLASH! With the new title on Striker, that qualified us for HOF Kennel. Merribook Australian Shepherds, HOF Kennel #105!

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